Monday, December 12, 2011

Stunting My Creativity

     Sometimes, well actually quite often, when my life gets super busy or overly full of stupid drama, I seem to get stuck. I can't write more than a line or two at a time. And those couple lines that I write... Almost never end up being finished. They are to relieve stress slightly in the moment. A few angry lines, a few sad lines, a few lines flowing from my overwhelmed brain about how I think I might fall apart. That is how it goes.

     I guess I need to just sit down and make myself write something. But forcing creativity seems, it seems so wrong to me. And yet, often my best, most creative pieces are forced out. Maybe I need to fight to write. The words hidden in the dark brought to light.

     Make me write! Fight back you stubborn words! I shall own you and tame you! I shall expose you and save you from being lost in the ebb and flow of my tumultuous mind! I will put you down on paper, I will give you substance.

     Like a ghost returned to it's body, you, oh poetic words, will live.

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